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Getting Started

A personalized and digestible process that enables you to manage your financial life and free you up to focus on other areas of life that are most important to you. We invite you to reach out for a conversation to see if we are a good fit.

Our Collaborative Approach

Step 1


Clarify and prioritize your financial and non-financial life goals. Establish the foundation for continued dialogue regarding your dreams and aspirations amid life's changes.

Step 2


Develop both short- and long-term strategies, using money as a tool to achieve your vision of a life well-lived.

Step 3


Prioritize to-dos and put financial plan into action. Collaborate directly with your accountant, estate planning attorney, and other professionals, as appropriate.

Step 4


Regularly review progress of financial plan and make adjustments as goals change. Continuously monitor investment portfolios as markets and objectives evolve.

Schedule a Call

The Integrated Partners Team